The 3 that our days and lives revolve around

The 3 that our days and lives revolve around

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Matthew!!!

Today officially started our month long celebration of Matthew's 6th Birthday. We started our day out doing last minute party preparations putting goodie bags together and getting everything we would need for the party into the car so nothing was forgotten or left behind. Then it was get ready for our days activities... Baseball practice for Matthew,

Storm soccer game for Katie, then home really quick to change our clothes and then off to Bounce U for the big boys party.

YUMMY!!! Matthew getting ready to blow out his candle on his Nascar cake

Down the slide he comes!!

Bouncing with good friends what more could a birthday boy want?!?

Even Miss Emma got in on the action!

Miss Katie hanging out with all the big sisters of Matthew's guest

Here's what a party of 25 kids looks like... hence the reason it wasn't at our house

Present time!!! Birthday Prince sits on his present throne.


So the excitement has begun, Tuesday is the "official day" however if you ask Matthew he will tell you he is 6 now since he has had his party. Then Uncle Todd and cousin Caleb come to town on Thursday and next weekend is spring training games. Then Grandma comes a few days later for 2 weeks... so who needs a birth day when you can have a birthday month?!?